Oct 2024:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented a talk titled, “Thermal-Assisted All-Plasmonic Control of Electron Density Waves at Metal-Doped Semiconductor Interfaces", 3rd International Conference on Physics and its Applications, Boston, MA.

  • Dr. Vinnakota was invited to chair the Session Chair the “Key Note and Plenary Presentations” for 3rd International Conference on Physics and its Applications in Boston.

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant Mayra Schliemann presented a poster titled “Metal-Doped Semiconductor Plasmonic Optoelectronic Switch" at COMSOL Conference, Boston, MA.

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant Ved Dharkar presented a poster titled, “Enhanced Performance Of GaAs Photodetectors Through Thermo-Plasmonic Effects" at COMSOL Conference, Boston, MA.

  • Dr. Vinnakota and his research group actively participated in the Boy Scouts merit badge sessions for Electricity and Robotics, guiding students through hands-on learning and practical activities.
    Students engaging in optics activity Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day

    Sep 2024:

  • Dr. Raj Vinnakota received prestigious NSF award from the Division of Undergraduate Education for his project titled 'Using Multiphysics Simulations to Promote Engaged Student Learning in Optoelectronics.
  • https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2417383

  • Aug 2024:

    Dr. Vinnakota marked key steps in his professional journey, including:
  • Appointment as a member of the Troy University CAS Undergraduate Research Committee, contributing to the enhancement of research opportunities for undergraduate students.
  • Promotion to Associate Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics, demonstrating leadership in academic and departmental affairs.

    July 2024:

  • Dr. Vinnakota and his research team participated in the "Muscogee County School District CHIPS Camp" and organised Electronics, Microcontrollers, and Robotics sessions for STEM students. In this session, students are guided to build circuits, code and build 3D-printed robot to perform obstacle avoidance.
    Students engaging in optics activity Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day

    April 2024:

  • STEM aspirants from local schools visited our laboratory as part of Electronics Engineering Technology Day, organized by the Department of Chemistry and Physics. Dr. Vinnakota and his research students showcased their projects, guided tours of the labs, and engaged the visitors in hands-on optics activities using a custom 3D-printed optics laboratory setup.
    Students engaging in optics activity Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day

    Feb 2024:

  • Manuscript titled "Open-source 3D printed laboratory for education: illuminating optics and optoelectronics demonstrations" has been accepted and published in the Journal of Physics Education.
  • https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6552/ad1769

  • Oct 2023:

  • Boy Scouts students visited our laboratory for an engaging educational session led by Dr. Vinnakota and his team. The visit included two merit badge workshops:

    1. For the Electricity Merit Badge, participants learned essential safety measures during electrical storms, how to interpret a home electricity bill, steps to take during an electrical fire, and built simple circuits, an electrical buzzer, and a DC motor through hands-on activities.

    2. For the Robotics Merit Badge, students constructed an obstacle-avoidance robot using fully 3D-printed parts and programmed a microcontroller to enable the robot to navigate obstacles effectively.

    These interactive sessions provided valuable STEM learning experiences for the Boy Scouts.
    Students engaging in optics activity Lab tour during Electronics Engineering Technology Day

  • Sep 2023:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented a talk virtually titled “All-optical switching using extraordinary thermo-optic nonlinearity of surface electronic waves at doped semiconductor interfaces", at European Summit on Laser Optics & Photonics Technology (ELOPS2023), Barcelona, Spain.
  • https://elops.org/

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant Mayra Schliemann presented a poster virtually titled “Active Control of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Waves at Metal-Doped Semiconductor Interfaces", at European Summit on Laser Optics & Photonics Technology (ELOPS2023), Barcelona, Spain.
  • https://elops.org/

  • July 2023:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented a talk titled “Optoelectronic Control of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Waves at Metal-Doped semiconductor Interfaces", at 2nd International Conference on Physics and its Applications, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • https://physics.unitedscientificgroup.org/about

  • Dr. Vinnakota was invited to chair the "Scientific Session-I: Astroparticle Physics | Particle Physics | Relativity | Radiation Physics | Quantum Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | Fluid Physics | Lasers, Optics & Photonics" at 2nd International Conference on Physics and its Applications, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • https://physics.unitedscientificgroup.org/about

  • Dr. Vinnakota and his research team participated in the "Muscogee County School District CHIPS Camp" and organised Electronics, Microcontrollers, and Robotics sessions for STEM students. In this session, students are guided to build circuits, code and build 3D-printed robot to perform obstacle avoidance.
    Description of Image 1 Description of Image 2 Description of Image 3 Description of Image 4

  • April 2023:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented a talk virtually titled “Active Control and Response Times of Charge Density Waves excited at the Degenerately Doped Interfaces", at International Summit on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, Valcencia, Spain.
  • https://www.spectrumconferences.com/2023/islop

  • March 2023:

  • Manuscript titled "Response Times of Degenerately Doped Semiconductor Based Plasmonic Modulator" has been accepted and published in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B.
  • https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.485460

  • Mar 2023:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented a talk titled “Excitation and Active Control of Charge Density Waves at Degenerately Doped PN++ Junctions, at APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR23/Session/A52

  • Feb 2023:

  • Dr.Vinnakota and his research group visited Center for Advanced Academics and Accelerated Laerning (CA3L) and organised Robotics session for 8th grade STEM students. In this session, students are guided to build circuits, code and build 3D-printed robot to perform obstacle avoidance task.




  • Dec 2022:

  • For FY2022, Dr. Vinnakota received the Troy Universities Award of Distinction for Sponsored Program success in securing a research grant from National Science Foundation.

  • Nov 2022:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented an invited talk (virtually) titled “PN++ Junctions Based Plasmonic Electro-Optic Modulator” at 3rd International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPL 2022).
  • https://opticsconference.org/2022/featured-speakers

  • Dr. Vinnakota was invited to chair the session "Nonlinear Optics and Photonics | Integrated Optics and Nanophotonics" at 3rd International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPL 2022).
  • https://opticsconference.org/2022/featured-speakers

  • Dr. Vinnakota was invited to chair the "Plenary Session" at 3rd International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPL 2022).
  • https://opticsconference.org/2022/featured-speakers

  • Sep 2022:

  • Dr. Vinnakota presented an invited talk (virtually) titled “Plasmonic Modulator based on Extraordinary Electro-Optic effect at Degenerately Doped PN++ Junctions” at 2nd International Meet & Expo on Semiconductors, SEMICONMEET2022, Barcelona, Spain.
  • https://www.albedomeetings.com/2022/semiconmeet#speakers

  • Sep 2022:

  • Boyskouts students visited our laboratory. In this session, Dr. Vinnakota and his students guided Boyskouts group to build an obstacle avoidance robot from completely 3D printed robot parts. Students are also guided to code the microcontroller to instruct the robot to perform obstacle task.



  • Feb 2022:

  • Dr. Raj Vinnakota has received a prestigious NSF ERI Grant titled: "ERI: Thermal Assisted Plasmon-Plasmon interaction for active control of Electron Density Waves at Metal Semiconductor Interfaces - A Roadmap to Novel All-Optical Devices".
  • https://today.troy.edu/news/troy-awarded-161k-national-science-foundation-grant/

  • Sep 2021:

  • Dr. Vinnakota and Dr. Radavaram led the class that introduced to the scouts, the basics of electricity, magnetism and robotics. Students are introduced to basics in how to respond in electrical emergencies, safety measures to be exercised when dealing with electrical equipment and electrical home safety inspection. Students are guided to build an electromagnet and a simple electric bell. For robotics students are introduced to hazards you may encounter while working with robots, robots in industry and safety measures to be exercised when dealing with robotic equipment. Students are guided to build, interface sensors and code an obstacle detection robot.




  • June 2020:

  • Manuscript titled "Universal statistical characteristics of metal powders and roadmap toward improved deposition rates pertaining to metal printing", published in Proceedings of Louisiana EPSCoR RII CIMM 2020 Symposium, Baton Rouge, LA.

  • April 2020:

  • Manuscript titled "Plasmonic electro-optic modulator based on degenerate semiconductor interfaces" has been accepted and published in the Journal of Nanophotonics.
  • https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0518

  • January 2020:

  • Dr. Raj Vinnakota started his new appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Physics at Troy University (TU).