Tory White

Troy University Web Master/Tech. Services

Tory White

I became a Trojan in the Spring of 2004. After graduating with a D.T.I dual major in graphic design and information systems on the Troy Campus, I started working at a Local Graphic Design/Marketing Firm in Dothan as a graphic designer and webmaster. After my stint there I applied for and got the position of Web Coordinator on the Troy Dothan Campus in 2009. My role has changed over the years, in to a Web master and into more traditional IT services ( fixing computers and equipment).

Most of the original Dothan IT team I started with migrated North to the Troy Campus and a few retired. My original boss retired in 2016 and later Henry the last original crew in 2021, his last day my wife had a shirt made for him to celebrate his last day.
The pandemic brought a few surprises as well. Like a one-time Midnight shift from 12am – 8am. The only time I wondered if this my office was haunted, but that could have been the lack of sleep. Dealing with being up for more than 24 hours because of last minute details to gain access to the building on Sunday to be available on Monday at midnight.

But everyday brings something new, from the ordinary webpage updates and computer repair to figuring out how to put a square peg in a round hole. 

2004 First year at Troy University as a Student. Brad White
2004 First year at Troy as student
Troy Dothan IT 2009
The 2009 Team
2021 Team
The 2021 Team
late night Dothan Campus building
First 12am-8am Shift arival
Tory White
First Late Night shift in 2020
Heat Sink
Old intel cpu heatsink from early 2010s

Original art work
Original art work Maya/Arnold: Motor City
Original art work
Original art work Maya/Arnold: Heartland
Original art work
Original art work Maya/Arnold: Lucky Time
Original art work
Me and my wife 2023

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