Click on an issue number or cover to access individual issues (in PDF form).
Issue 17, 2023
- "Storyteller," by Ashley Adams
- "Lavender Soap," by Abbie "Revlis" Anderson
- "The Determiner," by Abbie "Revlis" Anderson
- "5 + 1," by Kelsey Dunahoo
- "Summer Sentiments," by Emily Mosier
- "Wild Blackberries," by Emily Mosier
- "Old News," by Emily Mosier
- "She/Me," by V. M. Stinson
- "Alive," by V. M. Stinson
- "The Luck of a Beating Heart," by V. M. Stinson
- "Bird in a Cage," by Ariel Smith
- "Masks We All Wear," by Ariel Smith
- "Waning Presence," by Ariel Smith
- "Driftwood," by Lilynn Smith
Short Stories
- "Home," by Ashley Adams
- "Pumpkin Head," by Ashley Adams
- "They know where you are," by Ashley Adams
- "Chicken," by J. Antonio Bass
- "Amicitia Vera Illuminat," by Emily Mosier
- "A Baptist Church," by Emily Mosier
- "I know why they call him Mutt," by Samantha Neeley
- "Something about snakes, orange sneakers, and temptation," by Samantha Neeley
- "Left of the Highway," by Sarah Robbins
- "Checkmate," by Tina Olsen
- Alaina Burnham
- Julia Daniels
- Kaleyah Gilbert
- Gabrielle Jent
- Anna Kathyrn Kautz
- Avery King
- Emily Mosier
- Sarah Robbins
- Robert Vilardi
- Icie Wallace
Issue 16, 2022
Poetry and Prose
- "A Blade of Grass," by Cierra Miller
- "A Fair Deal," by Mason Sullivan
- "Ash to Ash," by Cassie N. Lung
- "At Least we Agree . . . ," by Samantha Neeley
- "Azaleas," by Emily Mosier
- "Before," by Sarah Thunberg
- "Being Held," by Austin Swanlaw
- "Castle Walls," by Sarah Thunberg
- "Confessional," by Daisy Miller-Wells
- "Cycles," by Brianna Lewis
- "Decorated Girlhood," by Kathleen Deal
- "Eclipse," by Amelia Harrell
- "Fated Ways of Change," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "For Once," by Sarah Thunberg
- "For the Sake of Me," by Cassie N. Lung
- "From Sonnet 15," by Ellie Russell
- "Frozen in Time," by Aren Pace
- "Heart's (T)reason," by Emily Mosier
- "Hymn of Praise," by Destiny Leigh Manning
- "I Bought Myself a Shelf Today," by Megan Butler
- "I Have Been Here Before," by Cassie N. Lung
- "I Saw Her and Wept," by Ashely Adams
- "If the Stars Could Speak," by Victoria Cummins
- "Jazz," by J. Antonio Bass
- "Leaving the Water On," by Austin Swanlaw
- "Letter to the Devil (pt. 1)," by Domaja Hill
- "Letter to the Devil (pt. 2)," by Domaja Hill
- "Lorena Court," by Linnie Russell
- "Maw," by Daisy Miller-Wells
- "Memoir," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "Midnight," by Amelia Harrell
- "Myth as Meaning," by Austin Swanlaw
- "On These Days," by Victoria Cummins
- "On Thinking of You," by Victoria Cummins
- "One," by Brianna Lewis
- "Ophelia's Sonnet," by Mason Sullivan
- "Polish Your Horns," by Megan Butler
- "Posted," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "Potential of You," by Areya Sneed
- "Remember Me," by Sarah Thunberg
- "Remember This," by Victoria Cummins
- "Saying the Quiet Part Loud," by Samantha Neeley
- "Search No More," by Cassie N. Lung
- "Solitary," by Cierra Miller
- "Stress," by Brianna Lewis
- "Sunday," by J. Antonio Bass
- "The Distant Shore," by Cassie N. Lung
- "The Grim Reaper," by Emily Mosier
- "The Tree," by Domaja Hill
- "This Sacred Hour," by Cassie N. Lung
- "Tinnamoren," by J. Antonio Bass
- "To a Friend," by Linnie Russell
- "To Stand Still," by Werner Quintanilla
- "Untitled," by Kaleyah Gilbert
- "Without Love," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "You," by Sarah Thunberg
- "You: In a Different Universe," by Victoria Cummins
- "11/5/2021-2:37am," by Victoria Cummins
Short Stories
- "At the Foothills of Salvation . . . ," by Werner Quintanilla
- "Aurora (English)," by Rachel Rush
- "Aurora (Portuguese)," by Rachel Rush
- "Bitter Casualties," by Emily Mosier
- "Breakfast for Dinner," by Linnie Russell
- "Check Up," by Mason Sullivan
- "Corvus Oculum Corvi (pt. 1)," by Haley McInnis
- "Corvus Oculum (pt. 2)," by Haley McInnis
- "Excerpt from The Legioncy," by McKenzie Dahlke
- "Running," by Mason Sullivan
- "The Green Fairy," by Haley McInnis
- "The Story of an Hour (Essay)," by Gracie Coppage
- "The Suicide Clinic," by Emily Mosier
- "The Time Fate was Wrong," by Molly Brandolino
- "Those That Haunt Us," by Alexis Ellison
- "Walking in Autumn," by Linnie Russell
- "Why You Probably . . . ," by Werner Quintanilla
- Jennifer Bedsole, pp. 17 and 47
- Beth Anne Edwards, pp. 12, 15, 20, 22, 28, 39, 49, 54, 58, and 60
- Alix Godfrey, pp. 9 and 136
- Amelia Harrel / R. Cameron, pp. 26 and 57
- Derek Johns, p. 42
- Amanda Knotts, pp. 6, 25, 32, and 38
- Jia Wen Lee, p. 31
- Sarah Robbins, p. 7
- Jessica Ward, p. 59
Issue 15, 2021
- "Red Bird," by Emily Corbett
- "Shards of Time," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "Intricate Poem," by Sarah Williams and McKenzie Dahlke
- "The Morning Mantra," by Victoria Cummins
- "Distance, Not Diamonds," by Samantha Neeley
- "Lost," by Anita Adiole
- "Silent Song," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Want," by Autumn Baggett-Griggs
- "Segridofell," by J. Antonio Bass
- "Words I Decide to Keep to Myself," by Victoria Cummins
- "7 Days," by Soumitra Ganguly
- "Life is Changing," by Lynne Martin
- "Hell's Disease," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Still Life 1 / Still Life 2," by Thai Huynh
- "Endless Ride," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "Rely on Me," by Autumn Baggett-Griggs
- "Anxiety," by Xavier Kelly
- "My Mother's Eyes," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Your Presence," by Shenna Morris
- "I Found a Place Where Lilies Grow," by Elysea Jackson
- "The Girl is the Ink," by Samantha Neeley
- "Daily Grind," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "A Plain Black Dress," by Emily Corbett
- "Glorious," by Linda Lewis
- "Let's Be Perfect," by Joshua Windus
- "Dawn," by Thai Huynh
- "Blue Alert," by Autumn Baggett-Griggs
- "Shadowland," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "This Haunting Beauty," by Joshua Windus
- "We Wish to Be Rooted," by Joshua Windus
- "Out of Sight," by C. S. Lee Gray
- "Your Poem," by Victoria Cummins
- "The Nothing-Place," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Tiny Little Me," by Anita Adiole
- "Hades & Persephone," by Estibaliz Lopez Morrobel
- "Unheard Melody," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Nighthorse," by J. Antonio Bass
- "Journey On," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Chains," by Jennifer Bedsole
- "Sorrowful Joy," by Thai Huynh
- "Not Known . . . The Lady of Shalott," by Cassie N. Nolin
- "Glimpses," by Rachel Depietri
- "Justice," by J. Antonio Bass
- "The Angel's Soul," by Thai Huynh
- "Letters to Franc," by J. Antonio Bass
- "The Gift," by Brianna Lewis
- "Benhower," by McKenzie Dahlke
- "The Ant," by J. Antonio Bass
- "The Artist," by Mark Grant
- "Before the Storm," by Mark Grant
- "Thrill of the Hunt," by Mark Grant
- "The Redo Button," by Adrianna Forehand
- "Life on Mars," by Johneise Bennett
- "Messages from Outer Space," by Johneise Bennett
- "What Really Happened Here?" by Johneise Bennett
- McKenzie Dahlke
- Front and Rear Cover Illustrations
- Poetry Cover
- Distance, Not Diamonds
- Lost
- Silent Song
- Words I Decide to Keep to Myself
- 7 Days
- Rely on Me
- Anxiety
- Your Presence
- A Plain Black Dress
- Dawn
- Blue Alert
- Shadowland
- Out of Sight
- Your Poem
- Hades & Persephone
- Nighthorse/Journey On
- Prose and Short Stories Cover
- The Angel's Soul
- Benhower
- The Ant
- Olivia Kattos
- Justice
- What Really Happened Here?
- Amanda Knotts
- Rear Cover Photograph
- Daily Grind
- The Nothing-Place
- Sorrowful Joy
Issue 14, 2017-2018
- "Going Dutch," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "Blink," by Sidney Coker
- "Bubbles," by Georgia Blanchard
- "Chainsmoker," by Katelyn Smith
- "I Don’t Feel Pain," by Christopher Anderson
- "David," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "I Would Be a Lovely Snake," by Draven Jackson
- "Iceberg," by Caroline Hughes
- "Ketchup," by Sidney Coker
- "Microscope," by Caroline Hughes
- "My Heart," by April Rusk
- "One of the Guys," by Caroline Hughes
- "Orpheus," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "Scruff," by Rachel Ward
- "Secret Wars," by April Rusk
- "Sleeping Alone," by Melanie McGilberry
- "Stray," by Katelyn Smith
- "The Boxes of Femininity," by Draven Jackson
- "The Boy Who Couldn’t Handle No," by Caroline Hughes
- "There’s a Section of My Brain Devoted to You," by Draven Jackson
- "Valentine’s Day," by Georgia Blanchard
- "You’ll Understand," by Austin MacCraw
- "10041," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "Untitled," by Austin MacCraw
- "Sleeping God," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "A Place to Hide," by Alaina Hornberger
- "(In)Effective," by Austin MacCraw
- "Like Father Like Son," by Katelyn Smith
- "The Breakthrough," by Steven Fann
- "MC1R," by Austin MacCraw
- "A Megitsune’s Wish," by Alaina Hornberger
- "The Plague," by Sidney Coker
- "The Monsters in the Woods," by Alaina Hornberger
- "The Bringer of Death," by Austin MacCraw
- "Precocious," by Christian Catrett
- "The Most Beautiful Lily," by Alaina Hornberger
- "Riptide," by Katelyn Smith
- "Watch out for Cats," by Alaina Hornberger
- "Untitled," by Christian Beason
- Carolina Hechart
- Alaina Hornberger
- Hunter Irby
- Jamie Lotierzo
- Abby Phillips
- Brandon Rice
- Madina Seytmuradova
- Aysiah Stroud-Lucy
- Ivey Vinson
- Lydia Welch
- Katie Winters
Double Issue: Issues 12/13, Fall 2016/Spring 2017
Poetry (Fall 2016)
- "Autoreligion," by Katie Curington
- "Blood Money," by Hannah Edwards
- "Confession of a Sinner," by Abdullah Mohammad-Sadiq
- "From Here and There," by Kalen Busby
- "My Lungs," by Alyssa Enrile
- "the last summer," by Katie Curington
- "Moonlit Symphony," by Jazmin Garret
- Untitled, by Victoria Hunt
- "Sheets," by Alyssa Enrile
- "Juicy Fruit," by Corina Weiser-Cox
- "Really From," by Corina Weiser-Cox
- "Seasons," by Elizabeth Hollis
- "The Spaces in Between," by Alyssa Enrile
- "The Creature," by Rebecca Feagin
Prose (Fall 2016)
- "She Laughed in Another Language," by Hannah Edwards
- "Dearly Beloved," by Rhett Coker
- "Birthday," by Austin MacCraw
- "EMILY," by Hayden Freese
- "The Moth," by Jamie Leverette
- "The Piano," by Leah Lancaster
- "The God of the Sea," by Marissa Dennis
- "Thou Shalt Not," by Leah Lancaster
Poetry (Spring 2017)
- "Arson," by Draven Jackson
- "Death is Faithful to Faithful Men," by Katelyn Smith
- "Lonely People," by Katelyn Smith
- "The Boy with the Golden Wings," by Draven Jackson
- "Anchor," by Hope Rangel
- "On Sun and Stars," by Lydia Gilmer
- "Ten Thousand Miles of Black Linen," by Kalen Busby
- "Other Meanings," by E. W. Brooks
Prose (Spring 2017)
- "A Fat Cat and Hemingway," by Draven Jackson
- "Diversions," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "English is Hard," by Madina Seytmuradova
- "Aeaea," by Austin MacCraw
- "My Place," by Alaina Hornberger
- "See You Tomorrow," by Alaina Hornberger
- "False Advertising," by Ethan Ensor-Gibson
- "Love You to the Moon and Back," by Georgia Blanchard
- Alaina Hornberger
- Kayle Weeks
Issue 11, Spring 2015
Blue text indicates a veteran's spotlight selection in this issue.
- "A Coming of Age," by Jeffery N. Whaley
- "Rest Up," by Hannah Edwards
- Untitled, by Hannah Edwards
- "I Once Knew a Man," by Hannah Edwards
- "Coffee and Ash," by Corinne Jacobs
- "Stacks of Notebooks in Heaven," by Stacy Pratt
- "Burning Metal in Iraq," by Lauren Cox
- "Descant, Yet Again," by Susannah McQuitty
- "Portrait of My Grandfather," by Abigail Michelini
- "Child's Play," by Alex Millard
- "Welcome to the Jungle," by Stephanie Hopper
- "Emancipator," by Hunter Stewart
- "Crossing Paths with Ming," by Lesley Stukey
- "Why Is Why Important?," by Michael Thompson
- "Glares of the Sun," by Jamie Bennett
- "The Dresser," by Susannah McQuitty
- "For the Sake of Curiosity," by Ryan Taylor
- "The Wind from the Past," by Tyeler Rayburn
- "The Piano Man," by Caleb Humphreys
- Louise Cheng
- Kellen Crookham
- Jonathon Guice
- Alisha Merritt
- Destin Salyers
- Hannah Still
- McCall Tedder
- Saraya Williams
Issue 10, Fall 2014
- "Waterworks," by Kathryn Curry
- "The New Exhibit," by Zachary Dalton Ashburn
- "Emily's Lament," by Hannah Lindley
- "Blue," by Abigail Michelini
- "Smoke," by Courtney Gilley
- "Lex," by Lauren Wiggins
- "A New Me," by Robert McGough
- "Weeds," by Lauren Wiggins
- "We Is Me," by Kathryn Curry
- "Running," by Abigail Michelini
- "Whole," by Abigail Michelini
- "Ghost," by Brandi Mitchell
- "Animals," by Amber Richards
- "Into the Nothing," by Courtney Gilley
- "The Runaways," by Liz Nowling
- "Sandglass," by Ngoc Vo
- "We Serve at Seven," by Robert McGough
- "Waves," by Naomi Perez
- "Flannel Patches," by Samantha Loff
- Ashley Crowe
- Alisha Merritt
- Alyssa Narksavee
- Kymber O'Bannon
- Lydia Phelps
- Hollie Reeves
- Victor Sanakai-Papi
- Hannah Stone
- Duong Tran
- Jordan Williams
- Madison Williams
Issue 9, Fall 2013
- "Domestic War," by Allison Miller
- "Ovillejo," by Samantha Loff
- "A Mug of Tea," by Matthew Firpo
- "Hundreds of Years," by Allison Miller
- "Redemption," by Jamie Leverette
- "Wishing You Well," by Buchanan Watson
- "Joy of Recycling," by Melissa Morris
- "Wanting," by Hannah Dobbs
- "Rubaiyat: Mound," by Samantha Loff
- "Set Me Free," by Jamie Holmes
- "Dying Cycle" by Josh Richards
- "Liquid Lightning," by Josh Williams
- "What is a Nightmare," by Ryan Taylor
- "Magic Kingdom," by Meg Shackelford
- "Lights Out," by G. S. Salazar, Jr.
- "Alone" and "Oldest Tree," by Daniel Beltran
- "Lotus," by Lingfei Zhou
- "Old Roots," by Savanna Schacherer
- "Pine Tree," by Alisha Lefebrve
- "Origin of the Arrow," by Nolan Odom
- "Eyes in the Night," by Megan Riley
- "Isolation," by Chelsey Williams
- "Drawing Tree," by Justin Fuller
- "Skull on Red" and "Living Room," by Hannah Ellis
- "Signs of Love," by Carson Brown
- "Wind in My Sails," by Aaron Paschal
Issue 8, Spring 2013
- "Lunar Folly," by Zachary Dalton Ashburn
- "For Jan," by Claire Mathis
- "[Kneeling in Reverence]," by Patrick Daniel Pugh
- "Pygmalion and His Bride," by Samantha Loff
- "Tomorrow is Better," by Melissa Morris
- "Gone Bad," by Bob McGough
- "The Beastly and the Beautiful," by Jamie Bennett
- "Afternoon Off," by Amber Richards
- "Tunnel Vision," by Candace Turlington
- "Boots," by Molly Bailey
- "Dream World," by Kelsey Barcomb
- Candace Turlington
- Jason Grant
- Amber Blanford
- Melanie Deacon
- Blair Brogdon
- Hillary Andrews
- Greg Skaggs
- Jamall Holmes
- Nina Franks
- Jenna Garrett
Issue 7, Fall 2012
- "Fall Prayer" by Nikki DeRidder
- "Poltergeist" by Candace Turlington
- "Soul" by Runas C. Powers, III
- "Sunlight" by Layla Torres
- "Nothing compares to the beauty" by Melissa Morris
- "The Beauty ... I am Blind with Weeping" by Kyle A. Stanfield
- "A Man Divided" by Amy Veneziano
- "Conformity" by Logan Leverett
- "Game of Inches" by Kristle Lawrence
- "The Birthday" by Jamie Bennett
- "Inheritance" by Caleb Humphreys
- "The Gloomies" by Josh Richards
- "Poltergeist" by Jordan Hammond
- "Soul" by Jonathon Guice
- "Sunshine" by Clara Driskell
- "The Beauty" by Caitlin Ventiere
- "A Man Divided" by Vuong Nguyen
- "Conformity" by Elen Shirley
- "Game of Inches" by Martin Whaley
- "The Birthday" by Carson Brown
- "Inheritance" by Kaitlyn Nordurft
- "The Gloomies" by Stephanie Davenport
Special Online Version of Issue 7

Issue 6, Spring 2012
- "Marrying Libraries" by Bridgette Temmis
- "Structurally Sound" by Candace Turlington
- "Fairy Tales of Hope" by Kellie Detter
- "Pretty Brain" by Ryan Spires
- "Shadows" by Nathaniel Westfall
- "What Keeps Your Attention?" by Samantha Loff
- "Greed" by Phillip Pinyan
- "Dancing Alone" by Sarah Looney
- "Sumatran" by Emily D. Wood
- "Cave Tenebrarum" by Nathaniel Westfall
- "Hour of Silence" by Phillip Pinyan
- "Pieces of Me" by Sara Mixson
- "A New Phoenix" by Liz Shaver
Faculty Spotlight
- "Bear Mountain Bear" by Prof. Jason O’Neal Griggs
- "No Forcing the Sea" by Prof. Jason O’Neal Griggs
- "To Be a Man" by Prof. Jason O’Neal Griggs
- "For You, I’ll Wait" by Samantha Pinter
- "Edgar Allan Poe" by Melanie Deacon
Issue 5, Fall 2011
- "Longing from Dover" by Eric Stokes
- "Love Letter" by Ashley Johnson
- "Styx" by Nathaniel Westfall
- An untitled poem by Sara Freeman
- "When They Fall" by Mark W. Phelan
- "Cogito Ergo Sum" by Nathaniel Westfall
- "Garden of the Gods" by Bryan Koyle
- "She'll Never Know" by Candace Turlington
- "The Pecan" by Caleb Humphreys
- "Under the Sun" by Cody Muzio
Faculty Spotlight
- "Craft" by Dr. Patricia Waters
- "Willows" by Prof. James Davis
- "Blackbird" by Samantha Pinter
- "Edgar Allan Poe" by Melanie Deacon
- "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Candace Turlington
- Untitled artwork by Candace Turlington
Issue 4, Spring 2011
- "Disney Ruined" by Elijah David
- "Amorexia Nervosa" by Elijah David
- "The Only Elegy I Could Muster" by Erin K. Murray
- [ ] II by Erin K. Murray
- "Variety" by Erin K. Murray
- "REM Sleep" by Erin K. Murray
- "Regrets" by Regina Lynett Newsome
- "Texting" by Candace Turlington
- "Veritissimo Bonissimoque" by Nathaniel Westfall
- "What is Life" by Amanda Graham
- "Get My A and Get Out" by Candace Turlington
- "The Fall of the Arotere" by Cleveland Daniel Wright
- "Invention" by Cleveland Daniel Wright
Issue 3, Fall 2010
- "[3]" by Stephanie Fockler
- "2008" by Cameron Hodge
- "Felicia" by Candace Turlington
- "Savannah’s Hair" by Candace Turlington
- "MUSICA NOCTIS" by Nathaniel Westfall
- "Autumn Bones" by Elijah David
- "Hard Lies, Harder Truths" by Stephen J. Davis
- "Home" by Kristle Lawrence
- "The Birdhouse" by Cody Muzio
- "There are Demons, and then there are Demons" by Candace Turlington
Issue 2, Spring 2010
- "The Fifth Ennead" by Eric Anderson
- "[2]" by Stephanie Fockler
- "During an Afternoon Walk" by Jesse Kelley
- "Orpheus" by Daniel Logan
- "Moriarty" by Daniel Logan
- "Divided Firmaments" by Daniel Logan
- "Biology" by Candace Turlington
- "Accompaniment" by Eric Anderson
- "un[mistak]able itch" by Wendy Broyles
- "Famous Last Words" by Jesse Kelley
- "At the Well" by Cody Muzio
Issue 1, Fall 2009
- [ ] by Erin K. Murray
- "Thanks To My Highway Companion" by Erin K. Murray
- "Crooked Little Ladders" by Candace Turlington
- "Man-Eater" by Candace Turlington
- "The Sax Man's Rebop" by Stephen J. Davis
- "Swifter than a Runner" by Cody Muzio
- "In Nature" by Amber Richards
- "Letter to a Best Friend" by Candace Turlington
- "The Amber Calm" by Ben Whitehead