
Gillian, Victoria, Madi, and Elizabeth
in the lab, 2024

Fiorella  is recognized for her service as a student officer for Southeast District 2 at the Southeastern Regional Convention 2024

Danielle and Fiorella attended the 2024 annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists at Chattanooga, TN, where they presented their research on detection of Bacterial pathogens in tarballs.

Lauren (undergraduate student researcher) presented her research at the 2023 annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists at Winston-Salem, NC.

Danielle and Fiorella (undergraduate students) are joyfully working in the lab, 2023.

Aubrey and Lauren (undergraduate student researchers) presented their research at the 2022 annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB) at Little Rock, AR.

Santoshi (graduate student) is working in the lab, 2022.

She successfully completed her M.S. degree and graduated in 2023.

[left] Lasata and Nishia at Student research conference, Troy University, 2019.

[right] Shraddha and Nisha with the chancellor, Dr. Hawkins Jr. at OSP luncheon, 2019.

2019 Annual Research Frontier Symposium at Alabama State University with Pushpa (graduate student) and Daniel (high school student).

2017 ASB (Association of Southeastern Biologists) conference with Priya (graduate student), Callie, and Katrinia (undergraduate students).

"The Soil Explorers" filmed by USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). In a section of this film, “Serious Sediment”, P.I.’s former research on bioremediation in Kearny Marsh is introduced. A free copy of a DVD version is available by mail or downloading from the USDA website.