Submitting assignments electronically; emailing the professor

Revised 5/23/18


You will submit many or most assignments through Canvas, not on paper. The professor will use Canvas to send you feedback, such as grades, suggested changes and comments on stories. Occasionally, we may use email for these purposes.

These electronic methods have several advantages. We can set a deadline at any time, not just when a class meets. You can submit your work at any time, and the professor will have a record of exactly when you submitted it. After grading your papers, the professor can send them back to you right away. We save paper and printer toner. The professor can give you more-detailed comments by using the computer, and you don't have to figure out handwriting. Also, the professor can keep a copy of every marked paper, and over time these copies show how much you are learning.

Here's what you need to know:

1.   Write your assignment in a word processor, preferably Microsoft Word. Save the file as a .doc, .docx, .rtf or .txt file. (If you use another format such as .wps, .odt or .pages, the professor may not be able to open the file.)

2.   The file name should be your last name, followed by a label identifying the assignment. For example, the file name might be: Donovan first ledes exercise.doc.

3.   Upload the file through Canvas in the place designated for the assignment. Be careful not to upload it in the wrong place.

4.   DRAFTS: The professor may require you to send drafts (preliminary versions) of some assignments, and you are encouraged to send a draft whenever you think it will help you. Unless directed otherwise, upload these draft files through the "SUBMIT DRAFTS HERE" assignment space in Canvas. The deadline for drafts is 24 hours before the final deadline for the writing assignment unless another draft deadline is announced.

5.   Keep copies of all your work. If the professor does not receive an assignment and asks you to resend it, you will need a copy instantly available.

6.   When your paper is returned with a grade and comments, it may be a .pdf file. You will need Adobe Reader or certain other software in order to open a .pdf. Most people already have Adobe Reader. You can download it free here. If you are using a Macintosh, you can also open .pdf files using the Preview program.

Each of the rules above is designed to make the process more efficient and to make sure that you receive credit for your work. Please follow these procedures closely.

Anytime you encounter a problem when trying to submit an assignment, please contact the professor.

When you email the professor about the class, please include the class number, such as "JRN 1102," in the subject line. If it's urgent, put "URGENT" in the subject line. In any event, use a descriptive subject line so the professor will know what the email is about. It will catch attention faster than a vague subject line or an email without a subject line.

And be sure to edit your email. Spell everything correctly, and use complete sentences. Explain clearly what you need.