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Michael O. Slobodchikoff, Ph.D.

Michael O. Slobodchikoff specializes in relations between Russia and the former Soviet states, treaty networks, international conflict, peace, and security.

Dr. Slobodchikoff's Books:

  • American Global Leadership: Ailing US Diplomacy and Solutions for the Twenty-First Century, with G. Doug Davis (2024).
  • India as Kingmaker: Status Quo or Revisionist Power, with Aakriti A. Tandon (2022).
  • The Challenge to NATO: Global Security and the Atlantic Alliance, with G. Doug Davis and Brandon Stewart (2021).
  • Cultural Imperialism and the Decline of the Liberal Order: Russian and Western Soft Power in Eastern Europe, with G. Doug Davis (2019).
  • Building Hegemonic Order Russia's Way: Rules, Stability and Predictability in the Post-Soviet Space (2014).
  • Strategic Cooperation: Overcoming the Barriers of Global Anarchy (2013).

  • Dr. Slobodchikoff has published peer-reviewed articles in:

  • Journal of International Relations and Development
  • International Area Studies Review
  • Europe-Asia Studies
  • Soviet and Post-Soviet Review
  • Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
  • Studies of Changing Societies
  • Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs
  • Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs
  • Comparative Politics Russia Journal
  • Asian Journal of Political Science

  • Dr Slobodchikoff is also the editor of the Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Book Series through Lexington Books. He is a regular contributor to Russia Direct, the Russian International Affairs Council, and has often served as an analyst on Russian relations with Ukraine for BBC World News. He has also served as an analyst on Russian relations with the United States for Voice of Russia Radio. He is also a Senior Analyst with Wikistrat.