
  1. PAT 2024, Perturbation, Asymptotics and Related Tools, University of Basilicata, Matera, Italy.
  2. SEAM-40, SouthEastern Analysis Meeting 40, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2024
  3. MAA 2023, International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 2023.
  4. SEAM-39, SouthEastern Analysis Meeting 39, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 2023.
  5. OTKR-2019, Operator Theory and Krein Spaces, TU VIenna, 2019.
  6. The Sixth Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices,  Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia, 2019.
  7. IWOTA-2019, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
  8. IWOTA-2018, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2018.
  9. The Fifth Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices,  Opatija, Croatia, 2017.
  10. IWOTA-2016, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 2016.
  11. The Forth Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices,  Opatija, Croatia, 2015.
  12. IWOTA-2015, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2015.
  13. IWOTA-2014, de Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014.
  14. OTAMP-2014, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweeden, 2014.
  15. The Third Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices,  Biograd, Croatia, 2013.
  16. Invited colloquium presentation, Seminar on Operaotr Theory, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2013.
  17. Spectral Theory and Differential Operators, Graz Technical University, Graz, Austria, 2012.
  18. IWOTA-2012, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2012.
  19. GAMM-2012, Darmstadt Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany, 2012.
  20. 22nd Summer School on Spectral and Evolutionary Problems, Simferopol (Ukraine), 2011.
  21. IWOTA-2011, University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 2011
  22. IWOTA-2010, Technical University, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
  23. The Second Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices, Zagreb University, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009.
  24. IWOTA-2008, College if William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, 2008.
  25. MTNS-2008, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 2008.
  26. IWOTA-2007, North-Western University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 2007.
  27. Modern Analysis and Applications-2007 Conference, Odessa State University, Odessa, Ukraine, 2007.
  28. 84th. Alabama Academy of Science. Tuskegee, Alabama, 2007.
  29. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Troy, AL, 2006.
  30. Troy MathFest 2006, Troy, AL.
  31. IWOTA-2005 The Sixteenth International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Storrs, CT, 2005.
  32. MERLOT International Conference, Nashville, TN 2005.
  33. Colloquium, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, 2005.
  34. The 2005 UAB International Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Birmingham, AL, 2005.
  35. MERLOT International Conference, Costa Mesa, CA 2004.
  36. MATH FEST, Boulder, CO, 2003.
  37. Eighties  Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Jacksonville, AL, 2003.
  38. MERLOT International Conference, Vancouver, 2003.
  39. Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Livingston, AL, 2002.
  40. MERLOT International Conference, Atlanta, 2002.
  41. Seventy-Eights Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Auburn, AL, 2001.
  42. MERLOT International Conference, Tampa, 2001.
  43. Special Functions 2000: Current Perspectives and Future Directions, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 2000.
  44. MERLOT Discipline Team Workshop, Nashville, October, 2000.
  45. Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Birmingham, AL, 2000.
  46. Colloquium, Indiana University-Purdue University (Fort Wayne) March, 1999.
  47. International Conference on Operator Theory and Its Application to Scientific and Industrial Problems, Winnipeg, Canada, 1998. 
  48. Seventy-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, Mobile, AL, 1998.
  49. AMS Mathematics Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1998.
  50. AACTM Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL, 1997.
  51. AMS Mathematics Meeting, Orlando, FL, 1996.
  52. Third Symposium on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Kalamazoo, MI, 1995.
  53. Special Functions, q-Series and Related Topics, Toronto (Canada), 1995.
  54. 1993 International Off-Highway & Power Plant Congress & Exposition, Milwaukee, WI, 1993.
  55. International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Regensburg (Germany), 1993.
  56. II Summer School on Spectral and Evolutionary Problems, Simferopol (Ukraine), 1991.
  57. XV USSR School on Operator Theory in Functional Spaces, Ulianovsk (Russia), 1990.
  58. XXVII All Union Student Research Conference, Novosibirsk (Russia), 1989.

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