Welcome to the Troy University Astronomy website.

The Universe! It has drawn the interest of mankind since the beginning of time..... yet still its mysteries enthral us. Ever-changing, yet always familiar, night after night this spectacle draws its admirers to gaze upon its beauty and to study its wonders. In our unquenchable thirst for a greater understanding of our place in the universe, we have built larger and still larger instruments of glass and of steel in an effort to capture more of the fleeting messengers of light that the universe sends us. With them we have learned much; yet there remains much that we do not understand. So the search.... the quest..... continues.

Astronomy is the most exciting, the most enthralling, the most dynamic of all the sciences. It is a quest to make the Universe comprehensible. An adventure to, and from, the beginning of time and through the infinite recesses of space. It explores some of the most extreme of locations; from the incredibly superdense neutron stars, to the ultra-vacuum of a comet's tail; from gigantic clusters of galaxies, to microscopic particles in planetary rings; from the indescribable violence and brilliance of a supernova to the nothingness of intergalactic voids.

At present, Troy University, has only one introductory course on astronomy, "Principles of Astronomy". This general education course allows students to taste the amazing world of astronomy as it explores the universe.

Sunday November 3, 2019
The Monday observing night rescheduled to tonight will go ahead as planned. Note the new starting time, 7.00pm. Make sure you are at the indoor sports complex car park before 7.00pm and dress VERY WARMLY as it will be cold!

Principles of Astronomy is a one-semester course that covers general astronomy, from the earliest observers to the modern understanding of the solar system and the universe beyond. The associated labs are a mixture of computer simulations exercises and hands-on exercises, covering a diverse range of astronomical phenomena and measurement, such as cratering, to spectroscopy, to measuring distances and ages of star clusters, to deriving Hubble's Law. Also included are two night-time observing sessions.

For more information regarding this course, click on the image at right to reach the course home page.

Useful Links

General Astronomy

Sky and Telescope magazine One of the best magazines on astronomy.
Astronomy magazine A more basic astronomy magazine than Sky and Telescope
Seiichi Yoshida's comet page Much useful information including comet light curves, orbits and charts.
Very useful site for information about past, as well as upcoming, comets.
Also software for producing comet light curves.
Cloudy Nights Home Page Excellent website for used telescope equipment, interesting discussion forums and articles.

The ultimate site for used telescope equipment. Also many very interesting discussion forums
The Bad Astronomer's website Useful discussion of recent astronomy discoveries and interesting things in the sky.
Biographies One for the history buffs! A wonderful set of biographies of astronomers and philosophers.
Heavens Above website The best place to find satellite visibility predictions


Astronomy Picture of the Day A new spectacular astronomical picture every day
Skyview Virtual Telescope View images of the sky at any wavelengths
Planetary Photojournal NASA images of the planets
Hubble Space Telescope Wonderful range of Images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope
Spitzer Infra-red Telescope Spitzer Infra-red telescope pictures
Chandra Space Telescope Chandra X-ray telescope pictures

Space Missions

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Main site for NASA missions to the planets
Parker Solar Probe. Information on the recently launched mission to touch the Sun!
Juno Home page for the Juno mission to study the interior of Jupiter.
Mars Rovers Home page for the Mars Exploration Rovers mission
Insight Home page for the latest mission to Mars.
DAWN Home page for the DAWN mission to the asteroid Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres
NASA All missions by NASA
Gaia Mission Information on the European Space Agency Gaia mission that is revolutionising our understanding of the Milky Way Galaxy.
ISS Information on the International Space Station
Project Apollo Archive Wonderful source of information about the Apollo missions